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Amsterdam - Países Bajos

  • CUSTOMER: Rochdale
  • ARCHITECT / DESIGNER: Studioninedots
  • ELECTRICIAN: Blom Elektrotechniek BV
  • PHOTOGRAPHER: Ronald Auée

Jerusalem is a young-monumental area in East Amsterdam. The urban design, green construction and social housing and architectural aspects are very valuable. The coherent whole was the inspiration for later realized garden villages in Amsterdam. The modernist duplexes in a courtyard structure are characteristically. Because the houses technically no longer met the requirements of modern times, they were improved. An important task within the urban plan Jeruzalem was therefore to build new homes for the elderly residents of the neighbourhood, concentrated in larger complexes in order to keep intact the historic structure of the preserved part.

Blok M is one of the new blocks in which the housing-construction challenge is resolved. In terms of image, Blok M is connected to the adjacent brick row housing and the white courtyard building west of it: it is made of a light brick in the shape of a court. On the inside are the living galleries and the communal courtyard. The residents live more spacious and comfortable than before. The base has room for (care) facilities such as a health centre, a neighbourhood restaurant and a neighbourhood service centre.

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