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Veldhoven - Niderlandy

  • CUSTOMER: Volvo Van Roosmalen
  • LIGHTING DESIGNER: Performance in Lighting NL
  • PHOTOGRAPHER: Jaap Lotstra

In order to serve the customers even better, Volvo van Roosmalen has built a new location in which the former showroom in Best and the repair shops in Eindhoven and Veldhoven have been merged. Performance iN Lighting has designed a lighting plan together with Luxor Light, for the 2-storey showroom as well as for the offices and outdoor area.

For the general lighting of the showroom, our DL Round and DL Square downlights and tiltable EB spots were chosen, all with a DALI dimming control. By using the tiltable spots, the cars are extra beautifully highlighted. The DL Square was also chosen to illuminate the offices, supplemented by the FL555 PL, of course also with DALI dim control. 

The KYRO+ 1 was chosen to illuminate the outdoor area, while the TRACCIA, which was awarded an IF Design Award, was used for accent lighting.

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