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Sustainability at the center of the future

The integration of sustainability into our business model

Adopting good practices, transforming the company towards a sustainable business model and contributing to creating social value in favor of continuous growth and innovation: these are the three fundamental dimensions that represent what it means for PERFORMANCE iN LIGHTING not just corporate responsibility, but also the entrepreneurial culture.
A concrete path of commitments and measurements in the environmental, social and economic fields that enhance the company's DNA.


Corporate governance is among the areas of sustainability that are subject to constantly growing attention from investors, owners, customers, consumers and stakeholders in general, who are increasingly called upon to exert financial influence on the performance of organizations. At the same time, awareness of the social responsibility of organizations is growing and public society has increasingly higher expectations on the performance of organizations.

The company guarantees an ethical approach as a fundamental prerequisite for carrying out company activities, for each of its actions and for the development of each product.


The company is committed to reducing the environmental impact of processes and products, with particular attention to energy consumption, CO2 emissions and waste reduction, through concrete actions:

- Continuous implementation of energy efficiency actions
- Choice of the best technologies available in the purchase/replacement of plants
- Limitation of CO2 emissions
- Increase in the number of waste collected separately and sent for recovery
- Continuous optimization of internal processes aimed at reducing waste and reusing industrial waste


Human capital is a fundamental pillar for PERFORMANCE iN LIGHTING, which in this sense means:

- Guarantee safe operations for maximum attention to the health and safety of workers
- Promote safe behavior for employees and collaborators
- Obtain participation and satisfaction of its employees
- Promote the well-being of employees and the work-private life balance

Sustainability report
Supplier code of Conduct
Supplier code of Conduct
Gewiss sustainability policy
Gewiss sustainability policy
Group Human Rights Policy
Group Human Rights Policy
The GEWISS Group integrated policy
The GEWISS Group integrated policy
Sustainability Report
Sustainability Report
Sustainability Plan
Sustainability Plan
Citizenship policy
Citizenship policy
Diversity & inclusion policy
Diversity & inclusion policy
Ecovadis Certificate
Ecovadis Certificate
Ecovadis Certificate
Ecovadis Certificate

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