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Lighting Technical Solutions

Design and lighting calculations / Lighting planning

PERFORMANCE iN LIGHTING’s team of professional lighting specialists provide accurate advice and assist with lighting verification to offer the best solution possible according to the different applications suggested by the Group.
The culture of light and of lighting planning is being diffused more and more worldwide and the sensibility of both public administrations and private users is growing to enhance urban areas, artistic and architectural assets, sports and recreational areas, in respect of the place and the environment.
Already for a long time PERFORMANCE iN LIGHTING has paid attention to these needs and is able to propose lighting equipment and lighting projects that perfectly integrate the architectural framework providing in addition reduced energy consumption, and where mandatory, without light pollution. These achievements are accompanied by functionality, high performances, easy and quick installation and maintenance features and a long product lifecycle. The light of PERFORMANCE iN LIGHTING hence is at the service of “the space for people”, worldwide, and not only as a necessary instrument for life but also as a powerful expressive means for the quality of the environment.

Implementation service and aiming the installation

PERFORMANCE iN LIGHTING provides a team of qualified specialists to design and elaborate the calculations on site during the implementation of the work. The team also enters the work during the pointing phase of the products in big plants, including arenas for international competitions, industries, big airport areas, and large infrastructures to ensure that they are compliant with the current regulations. By doing so, all participants will have an extra certainty of having chosen PERFORMANCE iN LIGHTING as the right technical partner.
Our commercial team is on its marks to provide the designer with samples of our products.

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