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Berlin - Germany

  • CUSTOMER: Multi Development Germany, Multi Veste Berlin GmbH
  • ARCHITECT / DESIGNER: Ortner & Ortner Baukunst
  • LIGHTING DESIGNER: Lichtkunstlicht AG, Berlin
  • PHOTOGRAPHER: Dimitrios Katsamakas, Wolfgang Reiher

Visitors to the Boulevard Berlin are impressed by the unique lighting concept in particular. Coved lighting fitted to each floor of the building in three staggered rows creates planar illumination throughout the entire entrance hall. The specially developed reflector seems to guide the light into the substance of the brightly lit ceiling. Not only does this conjure a more luminous touch on to the ceilings, it also bounces even portions of light back down into the aisle zones. The LED luminaires backlighting the vertical panel walls produce pleasant illumination, immediately drawing the visitors' attention to the shop windows. The vertical light surfaces lend the room a richly enticing glow and serve as a connecting link between the individual floors of the building. The retro-style escalator from the former Wertheim department store, now trundling away in Boulevard Berlin, is yet another highlight of the overall design. The even illumination spreading up from below gives the historical assembly a more refined look, while the beams pouring through from the strip lighting installed behind the punched brass plating to backlight the escalator contribute to an almost festive atmosphere.

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